CV Daniel Gaspar
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Daniel Gaspar Estudante de doutoramento Mestrado em Bioinformática Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
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Education and Training
Master degree in Bioinformatics and Computacional Biology by Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (2016)
Bachelor degree in Biotechnology by Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Portugal (2011)
Research and Professional Experience
Out. 2018 - (current) Ph.D. Student
CEBAL - Centre of agronomic and Agro-Industrial biotechnology of Alentejo / CBIO-InBIO
“Genomic and bioinformatics methodologies for the identification of genetic markers in sheep” (SFRH/BD/140168/2018)
May 2016 - Sept. 2018
CEBAL - Centre of agronomic and Agro-Industrial biotechnology of Alentejo
- Analysis of transcriptomic data of durum wheat response to heat stress
Oct. 2015 - Apr. 2016 Research trainee
CEBAL - Centre of agronomic and Agro-Industrial biotechnology of Alentejo
- Characterization of the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) transcriptome in the response to infection with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causing agent of pine wilt disease
Oct. 2013 - Jan. 2015 Fellowship Researcher
INIAV I.P. – National Institute for Agriculture and Veterinary Research
Project PTDC/AGR-FOR/3746/2012 Arbutus unedo plants and products quality improvement for the agro-foresty sector
Jan. 2012 – Oct. 2013 Fellowship Researcher
ESAC – Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra
- Project SOLIBAM Strategies for organic and low-input integrated breeding and management collaborative project FP7-KBBE KBBE-2009-1-2-04
- Project PTDC/AGR-ALI/099285/2008 Exploiting antioxidants, flavours and aromas diversity on ‘Broa’ bread maize breeding
May 2011 – Sep. 2011 Research Trainee
INIAV I.P. – National Institute for Agriculture and Veterinary Research
Comparação da susceptibilidade de Pinus pinaster Aiton com a tolerância de Pinus yunnanensis Franch a Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer) Nickle. Uma abordagem genotípica e fenotípica
Current interests of research
Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Next-generation sequencing, molecular biology
Selected Publications
Papers in peer reviewed journals
D. Gaspar, C. Trinidade, A. Usié, B. Meireles, P. Barbosa, A. Fortes, C. Pesquita, R. Costa and A.M. Ramos (2017) Expression Profiling in Pinus Pinaster in Response to Infection with the Pine Wood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Forests, vol 9. No. 8. 279, doi: 10.3390/f8080279
Ribeiro, MM.; Piotti, A.; Ricardo, A.; Gaspar, D.; Costa, R.; PArducci, L.; Vendramin, GG. (2017) “Genetic diversity and divergence at the Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae) westernmost distribution limit” PLoS One, 12(4):e0175239. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175239
Gomes, F.; Suárez, D.; Santos, R.; Silva, M; Gaspar, D.; Machado, H. (2015) “Mycorrhizal synthesis between Lactarius deliciosus and Arbutus unedo L.” Mycorrhiza, DOI: 10.1007/s00572-015-0656-1
Posters in Conferences
L.CACHUCO, A. USIÉ, A. ALBUQUERQUE, C. LEÃO, B. MEIRELES, P. BARBOSA, D. GASPAR, J.M. MARTINS, R. CHARNECA, A.M. RAMOS, E. JERÓNIMO (2017, November) Characterization of carcass composition and meat quality traits of Alentejano pigs finished under free-range conditions - Preliminary results. Poster presented at 4th Fatty Pig Science & Utilization International Conference, Badajoz, Spain.
RIBEIRO M.M., PIOTTI A., GASPAR D., SPANU I., COSTA R. VENDRAMIN G.G. (2017). “Pollen and seed gene flow in strawberry tree”. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress. September 19th-22nd 2017, Freiburg, Germany
GASPAR, D.; MEIRELES, B.; USIÉ, A.; BARBOSA, P.; SCOTTI, P.; SEMEDO, J.; PAIS, I.; MAÇÃS, B.; ALMEIDA, A.S.; COSTA, R.; COUTINHO, J.; PINHEIRO, N.; MATOS, J.; SIMÕES, F.; MENDONÇA, D.; GUIMARÃES, J.; RAMOS, A.M. (2017) “Comparative analysis of transcriptional response to heat stress in two Triticum durum varieties”. Bioinformatics open days. February 22nd – 24th, 2017, Braga, Portugal
MEIRELES, B.; GASPAR, D.; USIÉ, A.; BARBOSA, P.; SCOTTI, P.; SEMEDO, J.; PAIS, I.; MAÇÃS, B.; ALMEIDA, A.S.; COSTA, R.; COUTINHO, J.; PINHEIRO, N.; MATOS, J.; SIMÕES, F.; MENDONÇA, D.; GUIMARÃES, J.; RAMOS, A.M. (2017). “Identification of miRNAs related with the response to heat stress in two Triticum durum varieties”. 6th Bioinformatics Open Days. February 22nd – 24th 2017, Braga, Portugal.
GASPAR, D., TRINDADE, C., USIÉ, A., BARBOSA, P., FORTES, A., PESQUITA, C., COSTA, R., RAMOS, A.M., 2016. Characterization of the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) transcriptome in the response to infection with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease. 5th Bioinformatics Open Days, Braga, Portugal, 18-19 February
RIBEIRO, M.; PIOTTI, A.; RICARDO, A.; GASPAR, D.; COSTA, R.; VENDRAMIN, G. (2015) “How history and demography affected Arbutus unedo populations genetic structure”. Tree Biotechnology Conference. June 8th-12th,2015 Florence, Italy
MENDES-MOREIRA, P.; SANTOS, D.; GASPAR, D.; BRITES, C.; PAULO, M.; ALVES, M.; BRITES, C.; MENDES-MOREIRA, J.; VAZ PATTO, M. (2015) “Portuguese maize landraces evaluation, Commitment with tradition and farmers” XXIIIrd EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference. June 10th-11th , 2015 Montpellier, France
RICARDO, A.; SANTOS, C.; GASPAR, D.; COSTA, R.; RIBEIRO, M.M. (2015) “A set of primers for the amplification of nuclear and chloroplast microsatellites in Arbutus unedo”. VII Jornadas de Genética e Biotecnologia. March 26th-28th, 2015 Vila Real, Portugal
SANTOS, D.; PAULO, M.; BRITES, C.; GASPAR, D.; VAZ PATTO MC.; MENDES-MOREIRA P. (2014) “Portuguese Landraces Under PPB - Environmental and Morphological Effects on Yield. PRACTITIONERS' TRACK - Building organic bridges between traditional systems and the future.”. 18th IFOAM Organic World Conference. ICC - October 13th- 15th, 2014 Istambul, Turkey
RIBEIRO, M.M.; QUINTA-NOVA, L.; ROQUE, N.; RICARDO, A.; GASPAR, D.; COSTA, R.; VENDRAMIN, G.G. (2014) “Application of biophysical factors and molecular markers to explain spatial genetic structure in strawberry tree using GIS tools”. IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference – August 25th – 29th, 2014 Prague, Czech Republic
BRITES, C.; ALVES, M.L.; LAIRES, J.; GASPAR, D.; SPENCER, G.; VAZ PATTO, M.C.; MENDES-MOREIRA, P. (2014) “Maize Diversity in Farmers’ Hands – A Comparative Analysis of Sinpre”. SOLIBAM Final Congress July 7th-9th, 2014 Nantes, France
GASPAR, D.; BRITES, C.; PAULO, M.; ALVES, M.L.; SANTOS, D.; DINIS, I.; DINIS, M.;LEITÃO, S.T.; VAZ PATTO, M.C.; MENDES-MOREIRA, P. (2012) “Portuguese Maize and Common Bean Landraces I – Commitment with Tradition, Farmers and Paradigms”. SOLIBAM 2nd Annual Meeting April 16th-18th, 2012 Rome, Italy
VALDIVIESSO, T.; COSTA, R. ; GASPAR, D. (2011) “Distribuição, migração, comportamento e dinâmica populacional de Bursaphelenchus xylophilus após inoculação de jovens plantas de Pinus pinaster e de Pinus yunnanensis”, Seminário Floresta 2050 – Pensar o Futuro – Outubro 2011, Lisboa, Portugal
Oral Presentations
GASPAR, D.; MEIRELES, B.; USIÉ, A.; SCOTTI, P.; SEMEDO, J.; PAIS, I.; MAÇÃS, B.; ALMEIDA, A.S.; COSTA, R.; COUTINHO, J.; PINHEIRO, N.; MATOS, J.; SIMÕES, F.; MENDONÇA, D.; GUIMARÃES, J.; RAMOS, A.M. (2018) “Dynamics of leaf and stem transcriptomics related to heat stress in two wheat varieties”. Workshop Seleção Genómica em Trigo, June 4th, 2018, Portugal
RIBEIRO, M.; RICARDO, A.; GASPAR, D.; COSTA, R. (2015) “O que sabemos sobre a estrutura genética do medronheiro em Portugal e qual o seu impacto no melhoramento e conservação?”. II Jornadas do Medronho. May 22th,2015 Coimbra, Portugal
GASPAR, D. (2011) “Comparação da susceptibilidade de Pinus pinaster Aiton com atolerância de Pinus yunnannensis Franch a Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer) Nickle. Uma abordagem genotípica e fenotípica” Bachelor’s thesis. ESAC. Coimbra