CV Liliana Marum
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Liliana Marum Investigadora principal Doutorada em Biologia Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB)
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Education and Training
PhD in Biology, by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal (2009)
Post-graduation in Quality Management and Food Safety, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisboa, Portugal (2005)
Master Degree in Plant Production by Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (2002)
Graduation in Biology, by Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal (1995)
Research and Professional Experience
Feb. 2017 – Present: Principal Investigator
AgroGenomics Research Group - Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola e Agro-Alimentar do Alentejo (CEBAL), Beja
Apr 2013 - Jan 2017: Researcher
Klon, Innovative Technologies from Cloning, S.A., Biocant Park, Cantanhede
Jul. 2009 - Mar 2013: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Forest Biotech Lab – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica/ Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (ITQB/IBET), Oeiras
Nov. 2004 - Jun. 2009: PhD Student
Forest Biotech Lab – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica/ Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (ITQB/IBET), Oeiras
May 2004 - Oct 2004: Project Research Fellow (BI)
Departamento de Ecofisiologia e Melhoramento Florestal, Estação Florestal Nacional- INIAV, Oeiras
May 1999 - Apr. 2004: Project Research Fellow (BI)
Pinus Group, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica/ Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (ITQB/IBET), Oeiras
Mar 1997- Dec. 1998: Research Assistant
Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e do Papel, Raiz, Alcoentre
Current interests of research
1. Plant biotechnology; 2. Plant Breeding; 3. Plant propagation; 4.Development of histological, genomic and metabolomic tools associated to cork quality; 5. Studies of gene regulatory networks involved in cork formation
Selected Publications
Papers in peer reviewed journals
Nunes N., Marum L., Nelson Farinha N., Pereira V. T., Almeida T., Diana Sousa D., Mano N., Figueiredo J., Maria C. Dias, Santos C. (2018) Somatic embryogenesis of hybrid Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis and ploidy assessment of somatic plants, Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 132: 71
Nunes S., Sousa D., Pereira V.T., Correia S., Marum L., Santos C., Maria C. Dias (2018) Efficient protocol for in vitro mass micropropagation of Slash Pine, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 54: 175
Nunes S., Marum L., Farinha N., Pereira V.T., Almeida T., Dias C.D., Santos C. (2017) Plant regeneration from ploidy-stable cryopreserved embryogenic lines of the hybrid Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea; Industrial Crops and Products,105: 215–224.
Nunes S., Santos C., Moutinho-Pereira J., Correia C., Oliveira H., Oliveira J.M.F., Pereira V.T., Almeida T., Marum L. and Dias M.C. (2016) Physiological characterization and true-to-typeness evaluation of in vitro and ex-vitro seedlings od Pinus elliottii: A contribution to breeding programs, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 107: 222-227.
Miguel A., Vega-Bartol J, Marum L.; Chaves I., Santo T., Leitão J., Varela M.C., Miguel C. (2015) Characterization of the cork oak transcriptome dynamics during acorn development, BMC Plant Biology, 15:158.
Pereira-Leal J.B. et al. (2014) A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing, BMC Genomics, 15:371.
Marum L., Miguel A., Ricardo C.P., Miguel C. (2012) Reference Gene Selection for Quantitative Real-time PCR Normalization in Quercus suber, PLoS ONE 7 (4): e35113.
Miguel C. and Marum L. (2011) An epigenetic view of plant cells cultured in vitro: somaclonal variation and beyond, Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(11): 3713-25.
Costa P.M., Milhinhos A., Simões M., Marum L., Oliveira A.M, Costa M.H., Miguel C. (2011) Determining DNA strand breakage from embryogenic cell cultures of a conifer 1 species using the single-cell gel electrophoresis assay, Tree Genomes and Genetics, 8 (2) 425-430.
Marum L., Loureiro J., Rodriguez E., Santos C, Oliveira M.M. and Miguel C. (2009) Flow cytometric and morphological analyses of Pinus pinaster somatic embryogenesis, Journal of Biotechnology, 143: 288-295.
Marum L., Rocheta M, Maroco J., Oliveira M.M., Miguel. C. (2009) Analysis of genetic stability at SSR loci during somatic embryogenesis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), Plant Cell Reports, 28: 673-682.
S. Tereso, S. Goncales, L. Marum, M. Margarida Oliveira, J. Maroco, C. Miguel. (2006) Improved axillary and adventitious bud regeneration from portuguese genotipes of Pinus pinaster, Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 6(1): 24-33.
Costa R., Valdiviesso T., Marum L., Fonseca L., Borges O., Soeiro J., Matos Soares F., Sequeira J., Assunção A., and Correia P. (2005) Characterisation of Traditional Portuguese Chestnut Cultivars by nuclear SSRs. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 693: 437-440.
Marum L., Oliveira M.M., Amâncio S. e Miguel C. (2004) Recovery of cryopreserved embryogenic cultures of maritime pine- effect of cryoprotectants and suspension density. CryoLetters.
Miguel C., Gonçalves S., Tereso S., Marum L., Maroco J. & Oliveira M. (2004) Somatic embryogenic from 20 open-pollinated seed families of portuguese plus trees of maritime pine. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult, 76, 121-130.
Oral Presentations
Presented a total of 18 oral communications at international and national conferences
Poster in conferences
Presented a total of 21 poster communications at international and conferences
Marum, L., 2009. Genetic and epigenetic approaches to evaluate stability during in vitro propagation of Pinus pinaster Ait. PhD Thesis, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB), Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Marum, L. 2003. Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures of Pinus pinaster Ait. Master Thesis Plant Production, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisboa.